What is Lip Blush?
“Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. Essentially, it is a cosmetic tattoo of the lips that enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, improving the shape of the lips, giving definition and the illusion of fullness,” said Christina Son, owner of Sugarin Studio in Los Angeles. “This treatment delivers very natural results, once healed. Filler is great for creating volume in your lips, but lip blush delivers a more natural look and give the illusion of fuller lips.”
Is experience important for lip blush?
Lip Blush is not simple as MicroBlading eyebrows, so experience is very important for lip blush.
Annie Klug who has been offering permanent makeup services for the past 30 years, she has World Permanent Makeup Competition Judge certificate, instructor license, and a lot of permanent makeup experience.
To find a trained specialist, it’s important to know how long the person been performing semi-permanent makeup procedures—the longer, the better. If they have a Google profile, check for reviews within at least a year regarding the service you’re looking to get. Some states require technicians to obtain a blood-borne pathogen certificate or a body art/esthetician license, so check their qualifications cosmetic tattoo artists require. If they have further experience in other forms of semi-permanent makeup, that’s always a bonus.
Here's how it works:
A tiny mechanized needle deposits pigment into the lips, which builds layers of color. That it can be a corrective service to help even out the tone of the lips, but it can also help with asymmetry.
Is that Painful?
Most of my clients say there’s little to no discomfort. We do numb the lips prior to the service. If you’re worried about your pain tolerance, a pain reliever like Tylenol can be taken prior to the appointment; should avoid aspirin and ibuprofen, though, since they can thin the blood and cause more sensitivity, also suggests avoiding fish oil and vitamin E.
How Permanent Is It?
Lip tattoos can generally last for 3-5 years. Semi-permanent lip blush will also gradually fade over time. Similar to a cosmetic service like microblading—which utilizes a blade to manually create small cuts in the skin, which are then filled with ink—the results vary person to person. Generally, lip blushing can last several years, although your lifestyle contributes to how well it maintains; smoking and sun exposure can speed up the fading process, and if you’re oil-prone, have an iron deficiency or use a lot of exfoliating products in your skin regimen, the pigment could fade more quickly, too.
What to Expect?
So what happens in an appointment? First, there’s pout prep. A topical anesthetic is applied to pre-numb the lips for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, the technician will draw the shape of the “new” lips so that you can evaluate and make any changes. The cupid’s bow a little more pronounced and add fullness to the sides of the lips, anyway we always listen what client likes, once the client is happy with the shape, we begin the actual process.
How long does the process takes?
The procedure takes place over the course of an hour to an hour and a half, if not longer, depending on the look you’re going for.
how many days is heals?
Once the appointment is completed, your lips may be swollen, after all—so you can ice them if necessary. about 3-5 days after your lips will start to heal, meaning they may scab, so it’s important to time this carefully around your schedule.
How can I choose a color?
Bring your favorite lip sticks to show your tattoo artist.
Initially, the color will be super vibrant, almost like a lip stain. It is important not to be misled by the immediate ‘after’ results. The immediate results look nothing like when the lips are healed. Once healed, the color fades approximately 30-50 percent and also blends in with the natural lip color.
Need to touch up?
Lip tattoos can generally last for 3-5 years. Semi-permanent lip blush will also gradually fade over time. You can make the semi-permanent lip blush effect longer by touch up the color.
Whether the semi-permanent lip blush is complementary color determines the retention time.
After finishing the semi-permanent lip tattoo, the general tattoo artist will suggest that the beauty seeker should do the semi-permanent complementary color, because the color will be light and lack of color after the first color restoration, so it needs to be supplemented and adjusted in the later stage to allow the skin to absorb More pigments to achieve a relatively longer semi-permanent maintenance time.
General overview and Description:
Your skin is the Canvas for Micropigmentation or semi-permanent makeup procedures and can be affected by many factors, therefore it’s important to carefully follow aftercare instructions.
In addition, there are many factors that contribute to fading including lifestyle, medications, smoking, metabolism, facial surgery, and the age of your skin. So to emphasize, it’s very important to know how to care for your Micropigmentation after your procedure.
The initial application is always applied conservatively because every person’s skin is different
and the final color can only be precisely determined and adjusted during a follow-up appointment after the initial application has fully healed. The micropigmentation process is not complete after the initial procedure. In most cases, a follow-up appointment, approximately 30 days for eyebrows and eyeliner, and 90 days for lips, after your initial application may be required to touch up and ensure best results.
Infection is rare but still possible. It is important to recognize the signs of infection, persistent increased redness or swelling, fever, drainage, or oozing. If any should occur contact your doctor immediately.
Lip Blushing Micropigmentation After Care
● 6 hours following your procedure, gently clean your lips with a simple, gentle, pure, fragrance free soap.
● Continue gently cleansing and applying ointment 2-3 times per day for 7 days (or until all scabbing/crust has come off).
● Avoid vigorous exercise which can cause sweating for the first 48 hours.
● Be sure to observe these practices for at least one week after the procedure or until healing is complete whichever is longer.
○ Keep your hands clean and avoid touching the affected area(s).
○ Do not scrub or pick treated areas.
○ Do not use peroxide or Neosporin on treated areas.
○ Do not expose area to direct sun or to tanning beds.
○ Avoid exposing the area to excessive moisture or humidity, such as: facials, swimming, whirlpools
(hot tubs), saunas, steam rooms, and steamy showers.
○ Obstain from seafoods and spicy foods for 7 days.
○ Rinse your mouth after meals.
● Avoid Retin-A, moisturizers, glycolic acids, exfoliants and anti-aging products at all times (not just during healing) on all micropigmented areas. These can cause pigments to fade and lighten prematurely.
● Avoid tanning beds, sun, chlorine spas and pools, soap and chemicals (including skin cleansers, makeup removers, alpha hydroxyl creams, and tooth whitening toothpaste) near the treated area until healed.
● Pigments will slowly fade over time according to one’s metabolism, skin type, sun exposure, medication, facial surgery, and smoking. Following touchups may be required keep it looking fresh and will ensure longer lasting results.
Lip Blushing Micropigmentation Healing Forecast
A common question from those who have never had micropigmentation before is what to expect during the healing process. While every person is different, for instance some heal more quickly or slowly than others, here’s overall what to expect. It’s common to initially have some redness, swelling, puffiness, bruising, dry patches and tenderness.
Color will generally be reduced to about 30% to 40% during the healing process. Optimal pigments have been chosen for you with this in mind. In about six or so days it may appear too light. Then in about 10 days, the color will show more and appear softer when completely healed.
Day by day, what generally to expect
Day 1, Swelling, tender, heavy, with a thick lipstick look. For the first few days, the color is darker than it will appear when healed.
Day 2, Reduced swelling, reddish, tender, and potentially a slight metallic taste.
Day 3, Even Less swelling, thicker texture, some soreness, lips may feel hot. Color may appear a little more orange.
Day 4, Chapping and exfoliation starts, color lightens. It may appear that you’ve lost all color. Don’t worry this is normal. Once your lips have healed completely, the dermal layer will gradually darken.
Day 5, Very chapped and almost finished with the chapping stage.
Day 6, Softer, richer color begins to appear.
Days 7- Thru 13 Lip color lessens again and the lips appear somewhat “frosty”, A second chapping stage begins.
Day 14, Color blooms from within more and more each day until about 3 weeks after Micropigmentation was first applied.
Day 21, Healing completed. You are left with your final color. You may experience a little dryness on your lips that will remain for a month or two. Be sure to apply a good lip balm and they will return to normal with full color.